Sonny Septian Sindir The Award Received By Inara Rusli For Opening Allegations Of Virgoun's Infidelity

JAKARTA - Inara Rusli, who received public attention after daring to reveal the alleged affair committed by her husband, Virgoun, received an award at the 2023 Simplet Awards.

Unmitigated, Inara Rusli managed to win two awards through the categories of Deleted Life and Deleted Romance.

However, what Inara Rusli got seemed to disturb many people. Sonny Septian is one of the people who expressed his hard opinion on the award.

The husband of Fairuz A Rafiq satirized the award received by Inara Rusli. Although he did not mention his name directly, he said that it did not deserve a disgrace to receive an award.

"The disgrace of being used as Awards, which is bad for the Awards. It continues to be used as a spectacle as if it has become an achievement and someone wants to accept it," wrote Sonny in an upload on his Instagram account, seen Monday, July 3.

Sonny Septian said that awards should be given to those who have clearly received achievements.

"It's a pity they really have achievements," he continued.

Several Indonesian artists also commented on the upload. Many of them think and support what Sonny Septian has stated.

"Prestasi mah sulit dapat award, harus vole," kata Ivan Gunawan lewat kolom komentar.

"We are already in a condition or phase when something AIB is no longer AIB to be shown, it can even be a matter of pride and even become a bargaining value in the entertainment world," said Ramzi.

Meanwhile, when he received the award, Inara Rusli said that what he got was a blessing from God behind the domestic problems he was facing.

"To be honest, I don't know if I should be sad or happy, because no one wants to get an award for being cheated on," said Inara Rusli when receiving the award.

"This is proof from Allah that when one of our enjoyments is taken, we are sincere, it will definitely be replaced with thousands of joys," he concluded.