Here's What Nindy Ayunda Said After Being Examined By The Police Regarding Her Divorce

JAKARTA - Singer and celebrity Nindy Ayunda did not say much when asked about her divorce lawsuit from her husband, Askara Parasady Harsono.

Currently, Askara is being detained by the authorities for narcotics cases and possession of firearms.

"Later we will discuss it (about the suspicious lawsuit). The husband's condition is healthy, Thank God it is good", he explained at the West Jakarta Police Headquarters, Wednesday, January 27.

Nindy herself has sued Askara for divorce after the drug case and possession of firearms. However, the reason for divorce is not because of the case but because of domestic violence to lack of attention.

Today, West Jakarta Police investigators are questioning the question of her husband's possession of firearms. Regarding this case, Nindy was also reluctant to comment much.

"About the case faced by my husband. That's all. Just wait for the news. I can't say much", he explained.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo added that Nindy's examination was carried out this morning from around 09.00 WIB to 10.30 WIB. Investigators asked 17 questions to Nindy.

"A total of 17 questions are related to the suspected problems. Those concerned are cooperative and currently, those who have been investigated have finished", said Ady.

Nindy, continued Ady, was examined in his capacity as a witness to possession of firearms. Regarding the examination material, Ady has not been able to convey it to the public.

"That's why our deepening. This means that it is related to internal investigations. Later if there is anything we will convey back", said Ady.