Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims Start Leaving Tent Mina Back To Hotel

The Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims who took Nafar Awal or chose to leave Mina 12 Zulhijah began departing from the maktab tents where they stayed for the hotel in Mecca to continue the next Hajj stage procession.

Head of the Armina Operations Unit Harun Al Arsyid said there were 50 percent of the pilgrims departing today, with details of 25 percent of the congregation departing in the morning at 05.00-09.00 and the rest at noon at 13.00-16.00 local time.

"The committee has prepared five buses per matab, which will be given a schedule for when to depart," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

Harun said the bus placement would be right in front of the maktab entrance, making it easier for pilgrims to access it and ensure the head of the cluster to direct the congregation to the intended gate.

"It must be on schedule because if it is not by Masyariq's side, it will not be transporting," he said.

From observations since 05.00 WAS, the congregation who has been scheduled has been waiting in front of the maktab. Meanwhile, officers are on standby to ensure that the congregation enters the bus according to the law and the process of transporting the congregation runs in an orderly manner.

Regarding the departure of the second batch or pilgrims who took Nafar Tsani or who left Mina on 13 Zulhijah (1 July 2023) is in the process of preparing a schedule and will be announced further.

The previous Hajj pilgrims had undergone a waukuf in the Arafah Field on 9 Zulhijah 1444 Hijri or 27 June 2023, followed by gathering at Mina on 10 Zulhijah to throw the jumrah, namely the mujurah of the Kubra (Aqabah) on 10 Zulhijah, and the ejections of Ula, Wustha and Aqabah on 11-13 Zulhijah.

Throwing away the summah is one of the obligatory pilgrimages but for weak, elderly (elderly) and high risk (crystals) pilgrims, this obligation can be represented by family, team friends, entourage, or to officers.