Ambroncius Nababan Is Officially Detained For Pairing Pigai Photos With Gorillas

JAKARTA - Bareskrim has decided to arrest a cadre of the Hanura Party, Ambroncius Nababan. This detention was carried out after Ambroncius was officially named a suspect for juxtaposing a photo of Natalius Pigai with a gorilla.

"Yes, it is true, he was detained," said the Director of Cybercrime at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Slamet Uliandi, to reporters, Wednesday, January 27.

Ambroncius has officially been in detention since Wednesday. However, there was no detailed explanation of the reasons behind the detention. Only conveyed if Ambroncius was detained at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"Detained at the Bareskrim Detention Center," he said.

Previously, Ambroncius Nababan was officially named a suspect. Because based on the results of the case title, Ambroncius was proven to have committed hate speech with the elements of SARA aimed at Papuan activist Natalius Pigai.

"After the title of the case is carried out, the conclusion of the case title is to raise the status on behalf of AN to become a suspect," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Tuesday, January 26.

In the title of the case, said Argo, investigators at the Cyber Crime Directorate, together with the Division of Profession and Security, Inspectorate of General Supervision (Itwasum) and Legal Affairs (Bidkum) of National Police discussed all the results of the investigation. In the process of investigation, several people have been questioned as witnesses.

In addition, several experts were also asked for information about this case. Some of the experts are linguists and criminals.

"There are 5 witnesses who have been examined, including expert witnesses, namely criminal experts and linguists who have been examined," he said.

In this case, Ambroncius Nababan is facing a 5-year prison sentence. This is because the investigator suspects it with multiple articles.

Ambroncius Nababan is charged with Article 45A paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, and/or Article 16 Jo Article 4 letter b paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2008 concerning the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination and/or Article 156 of the Criminal Code.