Tommy Soeharto Sued, This Is The Response Of The Toll Road Manager Owned By Mbak Tutut

JAKARTA - Tommy Soeharto sued the Ministry of Finance under the leadership of Sri Mulyani. The son of former president Soeharto is also suing the ATR/BPN Ministry and the PUPR Ministry regarding the eviction of his buildings in the Depok-Antasari (Desari) toll road project area.

The lawsuit was filed by Tommy at the South Jakarta District Court on behalf of Hutomo Mandala Putra and registered under case number 35/Pdt.G/2021/ PN JKT.SEL. Prince Cendana objected to the project because his land and buildings were also evicted and he finally sued the Indonesian government for IDR 56 billion.

This lawsuit has been registered since November 12, 2020. The first trial of this lawsuit will be held Monday, February 8, 2021, with the defendants in this case:

1. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, in this case, the Ministry of ATR/National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Kanwil BPN DKI Jakarta, Head of the South Jakarta Administrative City Land Office

2. The Government of Indonesia, in this case, the Ministry of PUPR, the Head of the PPK for Land Procurement for the Depok-Antasari Toll Road

3. Stella Elvire Anwar Sani

4. The Government of Indonesia, in this case, the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta, cq the Regional Government of Cilandak District

5. PT Citra Waspphutowa

As co-defendants:

1. Public Appraisal Service Office (KJPP) Toto Suharto & Partners

2. The Government of Indonesia, in this case, the Ministry of Finance, cq KPP Pratama Jakarta Cilandak

3. PT Girder Indonesia.

Seeing the name PT Citra Waspphutowa, the company is a subsidiary of PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk or CMNP which is a company owned by Tommy's brother, Siti Hardijanti Rukmana alias Mbak Tutut.

CMNP also responded to Tommy's lawsuit through a letter dated January 26, 2021, signed by Independent Director CMNP Hasyim and Independent Director Bambang Hartadi.

"We can say that until now we are not aware of a lawsuit against the Depok-Antasari Toll Road from Brother Hutomo Mandala Putra with Case Number 35/Pdt.G/2021/PNJKT.SEL as reported by Mass Media", read the letter of explanation from CMNP, quoted as saying from the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), quoted Wednesday, January 27.

CMNP stated that until now there was no information or other important events that could affect the company's sustainability.

"The company will immediately convey to the public if there is material information/facts/other important events", said CMNP further statement.