Ministry Of Health: Stunting Rates Can Be Reduced With Budget Effectiveness

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) stated that Indonesia's prevalence figure, which is currently still at 21.6 percent, could be reduced by carrying out budget effectiveness for intervention in the field.

"The fact that giving additional food in the form of biscuits or box milk does not have a significant effect in dealing with stunting," said Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.

Responding to the achievement or absence of stunting prevalence rate to 14 percent in 2024, Dante said that in order to welcome National Family Day 30, his staff would optimize specific interventions.

One of them is by diverting the budget for purchasing milk and biscuits into its budget to buy animal protein food products. He emphasized that the problem of stunting is not a simple problem that can be solved with a single approach.

During its journey, it is certain that the change in budget will be more effective with the intensification of sensitive interventions related to local conditions such as poverty to local culture.

Supporting this policy, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in the city of Surabaya has been allocated for the benefit of children's development and growth.

This includes the budget for stunting prevention programs. According to him, the use of a targeted and measurable budget is also reflected in the policies of the City of Surabaya.

Even the funds allocated for stunting prevention have been listed in accounts that cannot be changed or used for other activities.

Thus, it can be ascertained that any funds allocated are actually used for stunting prevention and control efforts, without any abuse or diversion of irrelevant activities.

"So if our budget at that time, for example in 2022 is around Rp. 10 trillion, it means Rp. 5 trillion for children. So for example, if in the sub-budget, activities for stunting cannot be used for other activities," he said.