How To Buy Subsidized Solar With The QR Code My Pertamina And How To Get It

The latest YOGYAKARTA, people who want to buy diesel subsidized fuel (BBM) are now required to use a QR code in 514 cities and regencies in Indonesia. Therefore, the public must know how to buy solar subsidies with the QR code My Pertamina.

As is known, users of subsidized diesel fuel vehicles that have been registered with the MyPertamina Proper Subsidy Program will receive a QR code. Later the QR code must be shown to officers at filling subsidized diesel fuel. The method of buying subsidized diesel via QR code is as follows.

For people who do not have the QR code My Pertamina to purchase subsidized diesel, they can register the MyPertamina Properti Subsidy program first. Registration itself is done online through the subsidi website to be Here are the procedures for getting the QR code My Pertamina.

Quoted from VOI, Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting said that registration to get a QR code was opened. QR code registration can be done at gas station posts, subsidy websites to be, or it could also be through the mypertamina application.

As is known, PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Patra Niaga has now implemented the Full QR Code MyPertamina scheme which is intended for the purchase of subsidized diesel. The regulation applies to all Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU).

Regarding the policy, the Regional Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo Putra explained that Pertamina Patra Niaga has now completed 3 of the 5 stages of the Proper Subsidy Program.

"Since June 22, the Proper Subsidy, especially for Subsidy Solar, has been implemented by the Full QR Code scheme. This means that 100 percent of Subsidized Solar Transactions in all regions in Indonesia are required to show a QR Code," he explained in an official statement, Sunday, June 25.

Selain itu, Mars Ega juga menjelaskan bahwa tujuan dari implementasi Full QR Code ini adalah untuk memudahkan sekaligus menjaga masyarakat yang berhak layak lebih dianan untuk mendapatkan Solar Subsidi.

That's information regarding how to buy subsidized diesel with the QR Code My Pertamina. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting news.