MUI Bogor Holds Ijtima, Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Is Considered Sesat

BOGOR - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Bogor Regency, West Java, held an ijtima ulama in Cibinong, Bogor, with one of the discussions regarding the polemic of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu Regency.

"It fully supports the attitude of the Central MUI which states that Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding Schools have deviated from Islamic teachings," said Head of the Bogor Regency MUI Prof. KH Ahmad Mukri Aji after the ijtima ulama reported by ANTARA, Sunday, June 25.

The professor of the Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN) highlighted a number of alleged deviant teachings at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, including the equivalent prayer fee between men and women.

"The woman can also do the gift during Friday's sermon, the skewness is varied once to the Al-Quran, she said, not Kalamullah but the Prophet's words," he said.

According to him, the Bogor Regency MUI also supports the government that formed an investigative team to uncover allegations of irregularities in the teachings of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School,

"There are already 20 team members who specifically look from the aspect of the jurisprudence as well as sharia," said KH Mukri.

Meanwhile, the General Secretary of the Bogor Regency MUI, Irfan Awaludin, said that the ijtima of the ulama this time also produced four other points, namely the first, urging the Bogor Regional Government (Pemda) to take advantage of the renovated Pusdai Building.

"For the benefit of Muslims and immediately forming the Bogor Islamic Center Management Agency so that the benefits can be felt by the community," he said.

Second, strongly condemning immoral behavior, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTO+) because they are considered contrary to any religious teachings.

Third, the Bogor Regency MUI urges the public to maintain a conducive climate and uphold the brotherhood of Muslims ahead of the 2024 political year.

"And ask political institutions not to take advantage of SARA issues which result in polarization and tension in the community," he said.

Fourth, the Bogor Regency MUI encourages the regional government and the authorities to take firm action against drug dealers and drunken mixed drinks, especially among teenagers and students.