Police Arrest Youth Who Hijack The Police Chief's WhatsApp To Cheat In Sidrap Sulsel

SIDRAP - Two youths were arrested by the police in Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) District, South Sulawesi for hacking the police chief's WhatsApp account.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Police Commissioner Suprianto said the two perpetrators, Op (25) and Ma (18), committed fraud through social media. The suspect took over the victim's WhatsApp account.

"The victim is Mr. A. Mappahairul (48) Head of Duapitue District Police Sidrap County Police," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Police Commissioner Suprianto, to reporters, Tuesday, January 26.

The two suspects took action by sending messages via the Facebook application. The perpetrator then asked to continue the chat via WhatsApp.

"The perpetrator only asked the victim to send the code, OTP (One Time Password) which was entered via SMS on the victim's cellphone. After the victim sent the OTP code, suddenly my WhatsApp was unusable (Logout)," said Police Commissioner Suprianto.

The perpetrators asked for money and credit from the hijacked WhatsApp account. This case was reported to the police until the two perpetrators were finally arrested.

"The two suspected perpetrators worked together to commit a criminal act of fraud by taking over the Whatsapp accounts of the victims and then asking for money and credit from the contacts on the WhatsApp account. That apart from the victims mentioned above, there were still several other victims, most of whom were Indonesian National Police members, both in Sidrap Regency and from other regencies, "said Police Commissioner Suprianto.