In Order To Prevent Rabies, South Bangka Stimulates Vaccines

BABEL - Rabies or mad dog disease is a viral infection that attacks the human brain and nervous system. The method of transmitting the virus that can cause death in humans is through animal bites.

The South Bangka Regency Government, Bangka Belitung Islands Province is promoting the administration of vaccine doses to rabies-carrying animals, to prevent the spread of viruses that endanger human health.

"We are intensifying the administration of rabies vaccines and urging residents who care for animals to always check the health of their pets," said South Bangka Food Agriculture Service (DPPP) Head Nuruddin in Toboali, Saturday.

He explained that promoting the provision of rabies vaccines for pets to prevent transmission to humans.

"Animals affected by rabies are very dangerous for human health if they are bitten by the rabies animal," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, June 24.

Nurudin explained that the characteristics of animals exposed to rabies are body heat temperatures above 40 degrees, red eyes, saliva and changes in behavior such as being alone, aggressive and biting.

"If there are such characteristics, immediately take the animals to the South Bangka DPPP health workers for further health checks," he said.

According to him, rabies usually spreads through animal and animal bites that are most likely to spread rabies, including dogs, bats, jungle dogs, Changks, oscillations, and sickles.

"I hope that people who care for animals always check or provide animal vaccines to prevent transmission," he said.

His party is also intensifying the socialization of infectious diseases in the community, to provide understanding and anticipation.

"The injection of this rabies vaccine is to form a barrier to prevent the spread of rabies disease in Central Bangka," he concluded.