The National Police Calls Commission General Listyo Sigit's Independent Pam Concept In Compliance With The Law, Different From 1998

JAKARTA - The concept of the Independent Community Security Forces (Pam Swakarsa) that will be re-implemented by the elected National Police Chief, Commission General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, is different from the 1998 era or the authoritarian era.

In its application, Pam Swakarsa remains under the command of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Obviously all of this is a form of Pam Swakarsa which is very different from Pam Swakarsa in 1998," said the Head of Public Information Bureau, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Tuesday, January 26.

Rusdi said that the reactivation of Pam Swakarsa had actually been discussed for a long time. This is also stated in Law (UU) Number 2 of 2002 regarding Polri and set forth in the Regulation of the Chief of Police (Perkap) Number 4 of 2020.

"In the Police Law, Article 3 paragraph (1) letter c states that to serve as police function is the Indonesian National Police assisted by a special police force, secondly by Civil Servant investigators, thirdly is assisted by independent forms of security," said Rusdi.

The mentioned Pam Swakarsa is, the form of security carried out by the police function which was formed on the basis of a willingness of awareness and the interests of the community itself and of course all received confirmation from the Police.

So that all forms of activities and operations of the Pam Swakarsa are coordinated and supervised by the police. In this way, in its application, members of the Pam Swakarsa cannot be arbitrary.

"This means that in all activities, the operations of the Pam Swakarsa are always coordinated and supervised by the police so that their operations do not run alone, they are always side by side with police activities in the field," said Rusdi.

In fact, members of the Pam Swakarsa are people who are educated and trained by the Police. For example, security in companies, certain areas and can be in community settlements. Then, the environmental security unit which consists of elements of society.

"It is chaired by the heads of the smaller neighborhood unit (RT) or larger neighborhood unit (RW) heads. And once again the operation of this environmental security unit is always under the coordination and supervision of the police," said Rusdi.