Why Do Some People Get Bitten By Mosquitoes More Often? This Is The Explanation

JAKARTA - Have you ever been hanging out in a group somewhere, but it is only you that get bitten by mosquitoes?

Even though there are several other people in that place, it seems that you are the only one who is busy scratching your body from itching until your skin is red and bumpy. Meanwhile, other people seemed ordinary.

Why are there certain people who are bitten more often by mosquitoes? So in fact there are types of people that mosquitoes prefer.

For example, blood type O has a higher attractiveness than blood type A. People with blood type B are the second most frequently bitten by mosquitoes.

In addition, mosquitoes also prefer the sweaty human body. This is because the warm body temperature and the smell of lactic acid and ammonia from sweat are favored by mosquitoes.

There are certain body parts that mosquitoes prefer, one of which is the legs. Mosquitoes also like to bite pregnant women because their body temperature is warmer.

Did you know that humans emit carbon dioxide when they heat up? Carbon dioxide levels can also increase when you are actively moving. Well, the higher the human level of carbon dioxide, the more preferable the mosquitoes are.

You may not really be aware of when your own carbon dioxide is rising, but mosquitoes can pick up on this signal and get close to you.

If you are often upset because you are always a victim of mosquitoes, it's a good idea to always bring mosquito repellent lotion when traveling, especially to outdoor places or to areas with lots of plants.