Trial Of Fast Train Up To 350 KM Per Hour, Coordinating Minister For Maritime Affairs: Comfortable And Sound Convenient

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan tried the trial of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) from Halim Station to Padalarang at a speed of 350 km per hour.

Furthermore, Luhut said that on this trip the speed of the train he was traveling in was also increased at a maximum speed of 385 km per hour. Not only visiting Padalarang Station, Luhut also visited the last stop station, namely Tegalluar Station and then returned to Jakarta.

"Earlier we tried the fast train from here to Padalarang, earlier we tried the speed of 350 until there was a short peak at 385. Then from the outer reaches we used the feeder and then came back to Jakarta," he said when met at Halim Station, Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.

Luhut said that even though it was operated at high speed, it was still comfortable. In fact, Luhut had a meeting on the train without being disturbed by a loud sound.

"How comfortable is this train. Because I think the sound level, sound density, then the shaking and so on. It was really very good. We can meet inside without loud noises with ordinary voices. So it's very good. This is a technological leap," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train was stable. In fact, said Budi, he could walk on the train without holding hands.

This was conveyed by Budi after trying directly at a speed of 350 km per hour together with Luhut and his staff.

"It's amazing, 350 km per hour and stable. We can walk without a handle. This is an extraordinary one," said Budi.