Recognizing Types Of Planting Means Before Participating In Ornamental Plant Trends

JAKARTA - During the pandemic, many people spend time at home doing useful hobbies. Old hobbies such as sports, cycling, and cooking are back in trend.

Maintaining ornamental plants also seems to be the community's choice in killing boredom.

The trend of maintaining ornamental plants and gardening is believed to be able to relieve a little fatigue because it can interact with nature. However, make no mistake! Taking care of plants also requires basic knowledge. One of them is an understanding of planting media.

Are you one of the fans of ornamental plants? If so, let's get to know the following plant means before following the trend of maintaining ornamental plants!


Soil is the type of growing media that is easiest to find and is best for plants. This is because the soil contains the elements needed for plant growth such as nutrients, water, and air cavities.

Before using the soil as a planting medium, you must pay attention to the acidity (pH) of the soil. The point is to determine the type of plant to be planted in soil with a certain acidity.


Humus is well known for being fertile for plant growth. Humus is formed from the weathering of organic matter such as dry leaves and tree trunks. Humus is usually dark in color and has a soft texture. This planting medium is suitable to be mixed with manure.


Manure made from 100% livestock manure such as goats, cows, chickens, sheep, and rabbits. Manure is used after animal manure dries and hardens. When it reaches that stage, the fertilizer can be crushed and mixed with other growing media.

Rice husks

Rice husk is a type of growing medium from the rice husk. The rice husks are brownish-yellow in color, coarse in texture, and light. Rice husks contain moisture, carbohydrates, hydrogen, protein, and crude fiber. This content is very good for plant growth. In use, rice husks are usually mixed with soil or humus.

Black husks

Just like rice husks, the difference is that black husks come from burned rice. The content is almost the same, it's just that the black husks are equipped with phosphorus, black carbon, and acid levels. This content can increase soil porosity so that it is more loose and nutritious.

Coconut coir

Coconut coir is often found as an organic growing medium. Coconut coir is known for being able to absorb water well. However, if the water content is too much it can cause weathering. For this reason, coconut coir must be soaked in a fungicide solution to prevent weathering.