West Sumatra Education Office Will Evaluate Rules After Case Forcing Hijab In SMKN 2 Padang

JAKARTA - Commissioner for the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Beka Ulung Hapsara, said that the West Sumatra Provincial Education Office would thoroughly evaluate and revise school rules or policies in the region.

This is the aftermath of the intolerance that occurred at SMK Negeri 2 Padang several days ago which obliged non-Muslim students to wear the hijab.

This comprehensive evaluation will be carried out until 1 February and will be followed by a meeting between the West Sumatra Education Office, religious leaders, Komnas HAM, the Ombudsman, and other parties to discuss the results.

"The West Sumatra Provincial Education Office will conduct a comprehensive evaluation and revision of discriminatory school regulations or policies in all regions of the province of West Sumatra. These regulations will later be adjusted to existing official procedures," Beka said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, January 26. .

This statement is based on the results of an initial meeting involving Komnas HAM representatives of West Sumatra together with the Ombudsman and the West Sumatra Provincial Education Office.

After the evaluation and revision was carried out, the West Sumatra Education Office promised to conduct comprehensive outreach to teaching staff, in this case teachers and school principals throughout West Sumatra. In fact, these teachers will also be provided with a human rights-based teacher companion book from Komnas HAM.

"The Provincial Education Office will make service arrangements and formulate a protection mechanism for students so that they can learn comfortably," he said.

However, while waiting for the revision and evaluation of education, for the time being the West Sumatra Provincial Education Office will make a circular first and it will be issued as of today.

"Today we will make a circular so that all educational institutions may not act outside the law while waiting for the revision to take place," said Beka.

"We hope that other regions can do the same if there are discriminatory regulations," he added.

Previously reported, regarding the forced use of the headscarf at SMKN 2 Padang started from uploading a video on Elianu Hia's Facebook account. He, who claims to be the student's father, explained that they are non-Muslims, so they feel uncomfortable wearing the hijab.

It's just that, the school is determined to carry out these obligations because it is a school policy.

This caused criticism from many parties. Then, the West Sumatra Education Office then clarified. In the clarification, the principal of SMK Negeri 2 Padang, Rusmadi, officially submitted his apology.