DKI Deputy Governor Election Held Closed

JAKARTA - The Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the DPRD held a joint leadership meeting (rapimgab) to improve the Rules (Tatib) for the election of the Deputy Governor of DKI. As a result, they agreed that the election mechanism would be held behind closed doors.

This agreement was chosen to follow the provisions in the order (tatib) for the election of DKI Deputy Governor, which will soon be ratified. Standing Orders were made by a special committee formed by the DPRD some time ago.

"The election is closed, it is agreed to follow the rules of the old special committee," said Deputy Chairman of DPRD Mohamad Taufik at the DPRD DKI Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 18.

Later, 106 DPRD members chose Ahmad Riza Patria and Nurmansjah Lubis. Riza is a candidate from Gerindra, while Nurmansjah is from PKS.

Elections are carried out like elections. Each DPRD Member secretly chooses one name at the voting booth. Then, the votes acquired by each candidate are counted together in an open manner.

Had an argument

In the closed meeting, Taufik admitted that there was a debate going on in the course of the meeting. This debate comes from the respective parties that bear the cawagub, namely Gerindra and PKS.

Before the agreement was reached, Gerindra preferred that the electoral system be held openly. As an advisor to the Gerindra Faction, Taufik wanted an election mechanism by showing which DPRD members would vote for Riza and Nurmansjah.

"In order to be transparent to the public, these demands are transparent, we are just open. This is part of the responsibility of DPRD members in determining their politics towards their constituents," explained Taufik.

However, PKS faction chairman Arifin disagrees. Arifin encouraged closed elections in accordance with the provisions of the draft guidelines they had studied.

"We follow what was agreed upon by our old friends. So that we don't make new orders. Later, if we make new orders, we have to make special committee again, it's more troublesome," said Arifin.

Furthermore, the DPRD will arrange a schedule for the plenary meeting which will approve the rules for the election of the Deputy Governor of DKI. In addition, the DPRD formed a voter committee (panlih) which was in charge of the election process, continued to carry out the election by voting from members of the council.

The election plenary session will be held if the number of members of the DKI DPRD who are present meets the quorum requirements, namely 50 percent plus 1 person. The number of members of the DKI DPRD is 106 people. Thus, a meeting is considered a quorum if at least 54 members are present.

The elected Cawagub must get 50 percent + 1 of the number of DPR members present. Second, the cawagub can win the election if it is elected the most by DPRD regardless of the number of members present.