Why Is There A Local Party In Aceh? This Is History

YOGYAKARTA Unlike other provinces, Aceh has its own local party to participate in the General Election. The number of local parties in Aceh is quite large. Outside of the context of the election, why is there a local party in Aceh?

In the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2007 concerning the Local Political Party in Aceh, it is explained that local political parties are organizations in the political field created by Indonesian Citizens (WNI) who live in Aceh. The formation of political parties is carried out voluntarily on the basis of equal will and ideals in order to fight for the interests of members, the community, the community, and the state through the election of members of the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA)/Regency/City People's Representative Council (DPRK), the Governor and Deputy Governor, as well as regents and deputy regents/mayors and deputy mayors.

The formation of a local party in Aceh began with a conflict between the central government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The dispute itself occurred from at least 1977 to 2003. In the end, the central government and GAM then agreed to find a middle ground, marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding or Memorandum of Undestanding/MoU which was carried out between the Government at that time and groups of people who were members of GAM in Helsinki, Finland which was carried out on August 15, 2005.

In the MoU, one of the clauses agreed was the existence of a local political party in Aceh. Furthermore, the formation of the local Aceh party is regulated in the regulation of the Government of Indonesia No. 20 of 2007 concerning the Local Political Party in Aceh. Referring to the Government Regulation, it was also explained that the management of local political parties was elected democratically through deliberation forums.

After the Aceh peace period occurred, the Aceh provincial government finally held the first regional head elections to be held on December 11, 2006. At that time, many former GAMs took part in political contestation for the seat of regional head in Aceh, both in the province and district/city.

The first election moment in Aceh became a very interesting moment. The reason is that there are candidates from an independent path. In the end, the winner of the political contestation is the pair Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar from independent candidates as Governor and deputy governor of Aceh with a period of government for the 2007-2012 period.

Several local Acehnese parties have existed and some are still in the provinces such as the Aceh Regional Party (PDA), the Aceh Naggroe Party (PNA), the Acehnese People's Independent Voice Party (SIRA), the Aceh Party (PA), the Aceh People's Party (PRA), the Aceh United Party (PBA), the Aceh Mandiri People's Joint Party (GRAM), the Aceh Aman Seujahtera Party (PAAS).

However, for the 2024 election, only 6 Acehnese local political parties were declared valid to participate in the election. The six political parties are the Aceh Party, Aceh Prosperous Justice Party (PAS Aceh), Aceh Generation Party Beusaboh Tha'at and Taqwa (Gabthat), Darul Aceh Party (PDA), Aceh Nanggroe Party, Aceh People's Independent Solidarity Party (SIRA).

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