Imbulkan Bau Dan Air Keruh, Pemkab Bekasi Analisanya Dugaan Penyelambuhan Sungai Ciwekabang

BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java, has deployed a special team to sample water in the Ciwekabang River following up on information related to allegations of environmental pollution in the river flow.

Head of the Bekasi Regency Environment Agency, Syafri Doni Sirait, said that this team was deployed to investigate allegations of pollution that had an impact on the flow of water changing color and causing a smell.

"We have dispatched the Gakkumdu Team (Integrated Law Enforcement) to find out the cause and source of the pollution. We have also taken water samples at that location," said Syafri, Monday, June 12.

He explained, based on the results of the temporary search, there were a number of indications that were the source of the pollution, one of which was the activity of a used oil collection company.

However, he did not want to rush to conclude the search results because he still had to wait for laboratory tests from water samples that had been taken.

"If you look at the water, it is black and smells, but we have to first check the substances contained in the water," he said.

After knowing the results of laboratory tests, his party immediately followed up by looking for sources of pollution until the next steps will be taken by the local government.

His party ensured that the handling of cases of alleged river pollution was carried out by the local government firmly and measurably to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The Bekasi Regency Environment Agency is also handling a case of alleged similar pollution that occurred in the Sadang River, West Cikarang District.

"We are also investigating allegations of water pollution in the Sadang River which caused thousands of fish in the river to die recently," he said.