Apply These 5 Habits To Maintain Heart Health

JAKARTA - Based on medical reports, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. This fact is the strongest reason for the need to maintain a healthy body, especially the blood pumping organ, the heart.

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is not contagious, but good habits that are practiced by the people closest to you affect heart health. For example, maintaining a healthy diet and other positive routines as below.

Exercise routine

The first thing to consider for heart health is exercise. Regular exercise can keep your heart healthy. Based on recommendations, you can exercise for 30 minutes each day.

If you don't have time to exercise, you can walk at least 1000 steps a day. Any type of exercise can be done, as long as you pay attention to the portion and duration. Sports for the heart include cardio, jogging, cycling, swimming and even yoga.


Breakfast can reduce the consumption of excess calories and carbohydrates. The risk of obesity and heart artery blockage is also greater.

Based on a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, people who are not used to breakfast are at a higher risk of heart attack.

Skipping breakfast will make your stomach very hungry during the day so your appetite is high. And based on other studies, people who are not used to breakfast are less observant in choosing healthy lunches.

Maintain emotional balance

Emotional balance can be achieved by managing stress, depression, stress, anxiety, and feelings of anger. Emotionally intelligent people know how to release over negative emotions. For example, responding appropriately when experiencing bad events and living a balanced life.

Just drink water

Drinking enough water according to the body's needs is also healthy for the heart. If you are accustomed to drinking too much water, you should reduce it. Because drinking too much water can actually experience heart inflammation.

Water is the healthiest source of hydration for the body. Compared to drinking soda and other types of flavored drinks, plain water is the most appropriate choice.

Limit consumption of foods that contain cholesterol

Cholesterol and saturated fats should be consumed limited. Avoid consuming it every day because it can clog the heart vessels. Most appropriate, multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Eating healthy foods that contain fiber and healthy protein is the right choice. It is recommended to consume broccoli, carrots, spinach, avocado, whole grains, and low-calorie nuts to keep your heart healthy.