Death Avanza Rider Emotions In Cakung: Spion Glass Hit, Lindas Motorcyclist

JAKARTA - The hit-and-run incident between the driver of the silver Avanza car and the motorbike in front of the Cakung Toll Gate, East Jakarta, June 14, was discovered to be due to a trivial problem. Just because a rearview mirror was hit, one life had to be lost.

Deputy Director of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Doni Hermawan said that the OS (24) driver who hit the MSP motorcycle rider (34) to death carried out his action due to emotion.

Doni said that the victim hit the rearview mirror of the perpetrator's car until it broke in the Cakung area, East Jakarta. "The dispute occurred while on the road, there was a bump, then this victim broke the glass, according to the suspect's confession, yes, breaking the rearview mirror, then the perpetrator reacted and caught up and then arrived at the incident (the accident)," Doni said, as reported by Antara, Saturday, June 17. Doni explained that he had examined a number of witnesses in the incident that occurred on Wednesday, June 14 at around 08.42 WIB which resulted in the victim's death. "This witness was only temporary from the ambulance driver, then from the witness in the car, the suspect's mother, then we are also still investigating the witness who had helped the victim. we have already asked for information," said Doni.

Doni also explained that the information about the suspect who said that he had surrendered to the police was not true.

"Earlier I confirmed again, it (the suspect) had time to go to Bogor but when he was arrested he remained at home in Bekasi. So he didn't surrender, we picked him up, we took him up, we arrested him at his house in Bekasi. So he didn't surrender himself, he didn't take the initiative to go to the police station to surrender," said Doni. Doni also appealed to road users to be able to control his emotions. "This is a lesson for all of us, the community should also take care of emotions on the road, just because of a twist, then until something like this happened, it's very unfortunate," he concluded. The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya conducted a special case related to the death of the motorcyclist MSP (34), after being hit and run over by an OS (24) car driver in the Cakung area, East Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/6) Deputy Director of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Doni Hermawan said that this special case title involved the ranks of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya. "Yes, we are currently conducting a case again specifically by involving the Ditreskrimum again," Doni said when met in Jakarta, Saturday. Doni explained that the title of the special case was carried out to review the construction of the article that would be imposed on to the suspect. "To reconstruct whether it could be charged under Article 338 (murder) because initially this was a traffic accident. But in the examination of witnesses and evidence we also see potential for murder articles," he explained.