Beeper, A New Application That Can Combine Signal, WhatsApp, And Telegram At The Same Time

JAKARTA - After the issue of WhatsApp users switching to a number of other messaging applications, now a new service has emerged that can combine various messaging applications on one platform.

It was Eric Migicovsky who designed these findings by releasing an application called Beeper. Later, users of messaging services from various popular applications such as Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, and a number of other applications only need to open one application called Beeper.

Beeper is like a new container that unites messaging application users into one application. This innovation was introduced by the maker directly through Twiter.

“New app announcement: I've been working on the Beeper project for a while and today is the release. Beeper is a single application that can connect iMessage, WhatsApp, and 13 other services, ”Migicovsky tweeted.

This new platform can accommodate 15 messaging applications in one place. Beeper can connect users to various messaging applications. This makes it easier for users who have various messaging applications on their cellphones.

With Beeper, users only need to open the Beeper application to use various messaging services. So, there's no need to open apps one by one like many other users do.

Eric Migicovsky is the former founder of the smartwatch brand Pebble, which now belongs to Fitbit. He admitted that he already had the idea of making this application when developing Pebble.

At that time he was focused on studying a software called Matrix which is a program that can run a number of applications simultaneously.

Applications that can be opened with Beeper are WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Android Messages, Instagram, Twitter, Slack, Skype, Discord, IRC, Matrix, and Beeper Network.

Especially for the iMessage service that can only be run through Apple devices, Migicovsky is developing a way to make the iMessage application run on Android, Windows, and Linux with certain tricks.

Until now, the Beeper app is not yet available on the Google Play Store. Launching TheVerge, Migicovsky said that users who want to download this application must register on the official page.