Don't Want Just A Video Call, Yama Carlos Is Directly Meet With His Son

JAKARTA - Since being sued for divorce from his wife, Yama Carlos has not been able to meet his only child, Marco. Currently, his son is known to live with his mother and is separated from his father.

Yama admitted that he was offered his wife to be able to talk to his son via video call, but he refused. The 42-year-old actor wants to talk to Marco if he only meets face to face.

"I don't want video calls, we want to meet physically," Yama Carlos told the media crew at the South Tangerang Police, Thursday, June 15.

Yama's disappointment grew because he thought Arfita had taught Marco something wrong. He hopes his wife can teach Marco to miss his biological father more than other men.

"It's not that the woman teaches her son to sing to miss or miss his own biological father or find his own biological father, this is even my son was told to sing, to be proud of that person which is not clear. And it is with pride posted," said Yama.

"Now which father is not accepted. It's not that he is taught to miss or miss or find his father, instead he is proud that is not the blood of the flesh and that is an individual," he continued.

Yama Carlos also admitted that he had not seen a child for more than three months because his access was complicated by Arfita. He has reported the problem to the South Tangerang Police.

On the other hand, Arfita in a press conference some time ago denied that she made it difficult for her husband to meet her child. He said that what he was doing was an attempt so that Yama would not separate her from Marco, like what had happened before.

Arfita also stated that she was ready to bring Yama Carlos with her son, but the former flight attendant wanted her husband to calm down and accept his decision to end the 2016 household.