KPK On The Issue Of The Taliban: If The Taliban Means That Militants Are Eradicating Corruption, Yes

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata responded to the issue of the Taliban and radicalism in his institution.

Alexander firmly denied all these issues and said that the only militancy his employees had was the desire to eradicate corruption.

"If the Taliban in the sense of militants eradicating corruption, maybe yes. If there are other Taliban in Afghanistan," Alex said in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Monday, January 25.

He emphasized that two issues that have warmed up again are the old things that were excited in 2019. However, all of these issues have been clarified by the KPK.

"The issue of radicalism and the Taliban is an old issue and we make sure, we emphasize that there is no element of radicalism or the Taliban in the KPK," he said.

"So we have actually clarified it and I still remember it. Nothing," he added.

In line with Alex, Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Nurul Ghufron also emphasized that there is no understanding of radicalism and the Taliban in his institution as it is currently busy.

"For a year, I and the leadership of the KPK for the period 2019-2023 led the KPK, we ensure that there is no radicalism and taliban in the KPK as mentioned," he said through a written statement.

This issue stems from an upload from the Twitter account @mochamadarip on Saturday, January 23. In the video, it is narrated that the KPK is training students to commit anarchist actions during a demonstration against the revision of the 2019 KPK Law.

Regarding the video, Ghufron then explained if it was not true that students were trained to commit anarchist acts. According to him, the video was taken when the KPK received a number of representatives of the anti-corruption community such as GAK, academics, and representatives of the Student Executive Board who were concerned with anti-corruption issues.

Furthermore, even though he was faced with this kind of issue, Ghufron ensured that the KPK would continue to work on corruption eradication. This is because, he suspects, those who raise this issue have specific aims and objectives.

"The KPK suspects that the raising of the issue is an effort of parties with any specific goals. As law enforcers, we ensure that the KPK will continue to work in the corridor of the law," he concluded.