Photo Of Natalius Pigai Juxtaposed With A Gorilla, The Police Summon Ambroncius Nababan

JAKARTA - Photos of Natalius Pigai juxtaposed with Gorillas are busy talking about social media. This racist action was allegedly carried out by Hanura Party cadre Ambroncius Nababan through his Facebook social media account.

Following up on this, Bareskrim Polri in the near future will summon Ambroncius Nababan for questioning. The police have sent a summons.

"Earlier summons were given. In the next few days, we will be summoned to face investigators from the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Monday, January 25.

However, Rusdi could not confirm the timing of the examination. He only said that the examination of Hanura party cadres would be carried out immediately.

"The call is already there, as soon as possible," said Argo.

The examination of Ambroncius Nababan will take place at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit because the handling of his case has been withdrawn from the West Papua Police.

So, with the handling of cases delegated by Bareskrim, it is hoped that the process will be faster.

"What is clear is that the case has been handled by Bareskrim Polri. I think we are all confident that the Police will follow up on this quickly and thoroughly," he said.

Meanwhile, the Hanura Party cadre Ambroncius Nababan was reported on suspicion of racial hate speech on social media. Because through his Facebook account, he insulted Papuan activist Natalius Pigai as Gorillas and desert cadres.