Unusual, This Anonymous Man Claims To Have A Balloon Fetish

JAKARTA - A man revealed that he had a balloon fetish since a young age.

The 35-year-old man, who did not wish to be named, was only eight years old when he first experienced sexual arousal towards balloons.

It all happened while he and his family were on vacation to Portugal. Just then, he saw a girl blowing a balloon at the cashier of an ice cream stall.

He still remembered every detail of the day of the incident. What the girl wore to her face, when this man noticed what the girl was doing. In fact, this man kept the balloon until now.

Speaking to the Daily Star, the man admitted his fetish was "his naughty little secret."

"I enjoy my (unusual) sexual behavior, I find it attractive and it doesn't harm anyone," he said.

"I am still aroused by balloons to this day, they have been with me ever since."

The man isn't the only person with a fetish. Do you still remember the 'Gilang B Wrap' which went viral in Indonesia in August last year? Yes, this guy has a fetish for a person wrapped in a finger cloth.

Then, what is a festival?

Reporting from various sources, fetish is a sexual deviation similar to paraphilia. People with fetishes have sexual urges associated with inanimate objects.

Sexual objects are anything related to sexual relations, such as underwear, lingerie, sex toys and so on. However, fetish owners will feel aroused by non-sexual objects or things. One of them, the man who was interested in the balloon earlier.