Tommy Soeharto Sues Sri Mulyani For Rp.56 Billion Because Of The Depok-Antasari Toll Road.

JAKARTA - Tommy Soeharto sued the Ministry of Finance under the leadership of Sri Mulyani. The son of former president Soeharto is suing Sri Mulyani, the ATR / BPN Ministry and the PUPR Ministry regarding the eviction of his buildings in the Depok-Antasari (Desari) toll road project area.

Quoted from the website of the South Jakarta District Court, Sunday, January 24, in the lawsuit registered with case number 35 / Pdt.G / 2021 / PN JKT.SEL at the South Jakarta District Court, Tommy is suing the government for paying Rp56 billion.

This lawsuit has been registered since November 12, 2020. The first trial of this lawsuit will be held Monday, February 8, 2021 with the defendants in this case:

1. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of ATR / National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Kanwil BPN DKI Jakarta, Head of the South Jakarta Administrative City Land Office

2. The Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of PUPR, the Head of the PPK for Land Procurement for the Depok-Antasari Toll Road

3. Stella Elvire Anwar Sani

4. The Government of Indonesia, in this case the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta, cq the Regional Government of Cilandak District

5. PT Citra Waspphutowa

As co-defendant;

1. Public Appraisal Service Office (KJPP) Toto Suharto & Partners

2. The Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of Finance, cq KPP Pratama Jakarta Cilandak

3. PT Girder Indonesia.

The youngest son of the former number 1 in Indonesia asked the government and officials in Defendants II and V to stop the eviction of his building. He asked law enforcement agencies to act if the government or related parties continue the project while the lawsuit is ongoing.

"Ordered Defendant I, Defendant II, Defendant IV and Defendant V, or anyone involved in the Depok - Antasari Toll Road Construction Project to stop their activities until a Court Decision has permanent legal force on this case, and if Defendant I, Defendant II, Defendant IV, and Defendant V or anyone who did not comply with them, forced efforts would be made, if necessary with the help of police security forces or competent legal officials, "said Tommy 's petitum.

Tommy Soeharto also asked all defendants to compensate for material and immaterial losses of Rp. 56 billion. Especially for Defendant II, namely the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of PUPR, namely the Head of the PPK for Land Procurement for the Depok-Antasari Toll Road, paid an additional lawsuit worth IDR 34 billion.

"Determining the amount of material and immaterial damages by Defendant I, Defendant II, Defendant III, Defendant IV and Defendant V to the Plaintiff is Rp.56,670,500,000, consisting of: to order Defendant II to pay compensation for material losses to the Plaintiff amounting to Rp34,190,500. .000 at the latest 7 days after this case was decided, the details of which are as follows: Land worth IDR 28,858,600,000 for an area of 922 m2, per meter for IDR 31,300,000, as well as new replacement costs for the evicted building worth IDR 5,075,100,000. replacement costs for complementary facilities amounting to Rp. 256,800,000.