Police Brush Togel And Cockfighting Gambling In 4 Regencies/Cities In North Sulawesi

MANADO - Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the North Sulawesi Police (Sulut) revealed the crime of gambling that occurred in four districts and cities in the province.

"In this disclosure, there were six cases that were successfully uncovered, namely four cases of lottery gambling and two cases of cockfighting gambling," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sulawesi Police, Kombes, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

He said specifically gambling cases were found in several areas in North Sulawesi, namely in South Minahasa Regency (Minsel), North Minahasa Regency (Minut), Bitung City and Manado City.

The lottery gambling case was found at the crime scene (TKP) in Amurang, Minsel on May 10, 2023, TKP Kadoo and Bitung 16 May 2023, TKP Pateten Aertembaga Bitung 16 May 2023 and TKP Wenang Manado 24 May 2023.

Meanwhile, two cases of cockfighting gambling occurred at the Malalayang TKP, Manado City, which was revealed on 27 May 2023 and the Sarongsong Dua TKP,Minut Regency, 4 June 2023.

"From the disclosure, the police managed to secure eight people who have been named as suspects," he said.

"He said the lottery gambling case was named four suspects, namely AG, PK, ET and JM. Meanwhile, there were four suspects in the cockfighting gambling case, namely AK, OG, MT and A.

"The police also secured a number of evidences from the six crime scenes of this gambling case," he said.

Of the four crime scenes of lottery gambling, the police confiscated a total of Rp2,431,000 in cash, four cellphones, 17 notes, one BCA ATM card and one wallet. Meanwhile, at the two crime scenes of cockfighting, Rp39,812,000 in cash was confiscated, then 23 chickens, seven cellphones and three chicken cages.

"This case will soon be transferred to the prosecutor (public prosecutor's office) or stage one," he said.


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According to him, the suspects are subject to Article 303 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the North Sulawesi Regional Police's Dirreskrimum, Kombes Gani F. Siahaan, said that his party would continue to eradicate gambling practices in the area.

"Don't do gambling anymore, because it's a community disease that has been carried out since now, and we will definitely take action. Even if there are officers involved, we will take firm action," he said.