GeNose COVID-19 Detection Tool Starts Used At Station February 5

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the GeNose COVID-19 detection tool will be used by public transportation. The plan, GeNose will be used at train stations on February 5.

Budi said that his party had communicated with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force and would immediately follow up with a letter of approval for use at public transportation nodes.

"The Ministry of Transportation will make a Circular to transportation operators. We plan to use it to start on February 5, 2021 at the train station first, then gradually proceed to the airport," Budi said during the GeNose trial at Pasar Senen Station, Saturday, January 23.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan also tested the use of GeNose by exhaling a third breath into the prepared bag. As a result, Luhut tested negative for COVID-19.

Luhut said the GeNose device had obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). Luhut said the government plans to use GeNose in all public areas.

However, he suggested that the plastic used in this tool could use recyclable materials to make it more environmentally friendly.

"In the future we will use this in all public areas such as hotels, malls, in the RT / RW community. And of course we should be proud because this is made in Indonesia, "said Luhut.

"The tool only costs 62 million and the price per person is only around 20 thousand rupiah. If you use more, of course the cost will decrease and later this tool will continue to be developed so that it will have a sharper accuracy," he continued.

Please note, GeNose is a rapid screening tool made by the nation's children whose tests are different from the antigen or swab tests. Exhale-based GeNose tests.

GeNose has the advantage of being able to detect it faster and at a relatively cheaper price with an accuracy of above 90 percent.

Later, the patient's breath sample will be taken using GeNose, if the result is positive, it must still be validated using the standard PCR test swab test.

GeNose C19 has also obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health with No. KEMENKES RI AKD 20401022883 on December 24, 2020. This tool will later be used to assist the government in handling COVID-19 through rapid detection.