Kominfo Focuses On Digital Transformation Program To Support Indonesia's Advanced Vision 2045
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) is focusing on the Digital Transformation Program to support the Vision of Advanced Indonesia 2045. According to the Acting (Plt) of the Minister of Communication and Information Mahfud MD, the development of digital technology demands the availability of adequate digital services in terms of quantity and quality.
"Therefore, the presence of digital technology and the complexity of inherent challenges, make digital transformation one of the main instruments in realizing Indonesia's vision of advancing in 2045," he said in an official broadcast by Kominfo, quoted on Tuesday, June 6.
More than that, Mahfud MD also emphasized that digital transformation needs to be promoted collaboratively in order to be useful inclusive, empowering, and sustainable.
"Inclusive means that all levels of society can access infrastructure in digital space evenly and safely. Empowering means that people are able to use digital technology productively, while creating added value in utilization," he explained.
"And sustainably means that people are able to feel the benefits of digital technology continuously and can support the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," added the Acting Minister of Communication and Information.
As the central ministry in overseeing digital transformation, according to Mahfud MD, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will continue to prepare prerequisites for the implementation of digital transformation in 2024. Mainly in building digital infrastructure evenly.
In addition, in particular, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will continue to strive to anticipate the impact of internet penetration which has reached more than 78% of the total population. Especially related to the gap in access to technology and digital connectivity which is still felt in various dimensions, both economic, social and spatial.
"Kominfo is also paying attention to the increasing cyber threat, data leakage, spread of hoaxes, increasing data flow globally which is predicted to reach 780 exabitas per month in 2026," he said.