6 Suspects In Subsidized Fuel Abuse Case Arrested By Bengkulu Police

BENGKULU - Sub-Directorate for Certain Crimes (Tipidter) of the Bengkulu Regional Police (Polda) arrested six suspects in connection with the case of misuse of fuel oil (BBM) subsidies of the type of bio solar.

The Head of Sub-Division of Public Information for Public Relations of the Bengkulu Police, AKBP Agung Darmanto, said the six people consisted of four employees of the Oil Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) in the District of Penarik, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu and two other people, namely Penuntur, Bio Solar and Pertalite fuel.

"The six people were caught red-handed while carrying out abuse, transportation and/or trading of fuel subsidized by the Bio-Solar government," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 6.

Agung said that five of the six suspects had been detained, namely MH as Assistant manager of gas stations, TU as operator, PI as cashier and two others SU and RI as probing officers had been detained. Meanwhile, one SN cashier was not detained on the grounds of having a small child.

Head of Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Kompol M. Syahir Fuad said the arrests began with reports from the community around gas stations that suspected that the supply or supply of fuel oil (BBM) would run out quickly in a matter of hours.

Then, after checking by the investigative team, the investigation team found that there were fuel testing activities that easily received fuel with the participation of gas station employees or employees.

"The subsidized BBM is obtained by purchasing at the KJS NO 24-83-31 gas station, usually carried out before dawn, by bringing six barcodes and paying coupons or a profit of Rp. 20,000 per jerry can to gas station officers on behalf of M, where the seller buys 16 Jerigen fuel. Then the coupon is shown to the Solar dispenser officer to fill the diesel into 16 jerry cans," he explained.

The subsidized fuel collectors bought Bio Solar at a price of IDR 260 thousand per jerry can, then resold it to collectors or palm oil and community cars at a price of IDR 330 thousand per jerry can.

From the Bio Solar subsidized fuel buying and selling activities, the suspects can get a profit of IDR 4.2 thousand per liter.

"These Bio solar fuel testers can purchase 15 to 16 Jerigen at gas stations every time there is a supply of fuel to gas stations. Meanwhile, gas station officers can reap a profit of IDR 5.3 million per 8 thousand liters according to the inspection DO," he explained.

From these arrests, the Bengkulu Police confiscated nine jerry cans containing around 270 liters of bio solar fuel, nine sheets of QR barcodes, two motorbikes, eight village certificates.

Furthermore, 12 Jerigen Bio solar fuels are about 420 liters, three empty jerry cans with a capacity of about 35 liters, two bills selling diesel fuel.

For their actions, the suspects are threatened with Article 55 of Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended by Perpu No. 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation with a maximum threat of 6 (six) years in prison and a fine of IDR 60 billion.