The Police Arrested The Police And Detained A Youth At The Gorontalo Police

JAKARTA - The Gorontalo City Police have officially detained a group of youths who force-fed babies with alcohol after being named as suspects.

There were four suspects, namely RM alias Andika (19), MH alias Mato (22), WD alias Eka (16), and AA Alias Aris (16).

Initially, the Gorontalo City Police Rajawali Team secured six youths. However, two people from the flock, based on the results of the examination, had already returned home when the alcohol-squeezing incident occurred.

"Currently, the four perpetrators have been secured in the Gorontalo City Police detention room to be accountable for their actions," said Head of the Gorontalo City Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Laode Arwansyah, quoted from the Gorontalo City Police website, Saturday, January 23.

Laode said the four suspects were suspected of violating Article 89 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 76 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Chronology of events

Based on the confession of one of the suspects, Andika, who is the uncle of the baby, they were initially having a drinking party on Wednesday, January 20 evening.

The alcohol party is held at Andika's house. At that moment, Andika heard the baby who was the victim crying.

Andika took the initiative to carry the baby and bring it to the house where the alcohol party took place. A few moments later, he put the baby to sleep beside him.

Andika then poured Bintang beer and energy drink into the baby bottle, and put the tip of the bottle into the baby's mouth, so that the baby drank twice the alcohol.

Then, one of Andika's colleagues named Mato recorded the video of the force-feeding on the WhatsApp social media post. The video then circulated widely on social media.