Jogja Clashes, Brajamusti-PSHT Meet At The Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters

YOGYAKARTA - Representatives of the organization pencak silat Brotherhood of the Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) and Brajamusti, part of the PSIM football club's supporters, asked each group to exercise restraint after the Jogja clash. This clash was triggered by a beating in Parangtritis on May 28.

"With this we regret the incident on May 28 in Parangtritis. Currently the incident has been handled by the police and has been processed according to the applicable law. We regret the incident tonight. We ask all parties to refrain from maintaining the conduciveness and security of the city of Yogyakarta," said PSHT representatives in a video uploaded to the Instagram account @poldajogja, Monday, June 5.

The same thing was conveyed by the Brajamusti representative. It was confirmed that the case of beatings in Parangtritis which triggered the Jogja clash on Sunday, June 4, had been handled by the police.

Yogyakarta Special Region Police Chief (DIY) Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan confirmed that the situation on Jalan Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta City was under control after the clash of two mass groups on Sunday (4/6) night.

"We can control the situation, however, we are still on guard and we will also carry out patrols," said Suwondo as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 5 in the morning.

According to him, patrols in all DIY areas are also carried out to ensure that no people from outside the region make the situation in Yogyakarta not conducive.

"Patrol in all regions, Polres-polres in coordination with Polres Klaten and Polda Central Java also coordinate so that they can secure in the Yogyakarta area," he said.

Suwondo appealed to the residents of Yogyakarta not to be provoked by the riots involving the two mass groups.

"Do not be provoked by issues or invitations to carry out activities that result in criminal acts that add to the security situation of public order in all regions, both in Yogyakarta and around Yogyakarta so that we hope the situation remains conducive," he said.