Who Disposes Radioactive Waste In Serpong Housing?

JAKARTA - The discovery of radioactive waste in an empty field made residents in Batan Indah Housing, Serpong, South Tangerang (Tangsel) excited. The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (Bapetan) and the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) immediately stepped in to investigate the source of the radioactive waste.

This discovery began when Bapeten carried out routine testing of the function of the mobile radioactivity monitor (mobile RDMS-MONA). The test was carried out around the Pamulang area, the Puspiptek Service Housing, Emerging Areas and ITI Campus, Batan Indah Housing and Serpong Train Station.

But surprisingly, Bapetan found radioactive elements in an empty field, which is in the Batan Indah Housing, on Saturday, February 15 yesterday. Based on the results of his presentation, the area around the empty field in the housing estate was known to contain radiation that exceeded the normal limit.

The team then carried out re-checking and sweeping around the area and found the environmental radiation exposure value with a significantly measured exposure rate above the normal value. It is known that the radiation exposure came from radioactive waste buried in the empty field.

"It seems (the waste) has been (for) a long time, Batan will remediate (clean up the land) until Bapeten gives a clear explanation," said Head of Legal Bureau, Public Relations and Cooperation of Batan, Heru Umbara who had visited the location.

Heru did not explain in more detail where the source of the radioactive waste came from. When asked if there was an element of carelessness, Heru admitted that he was still under investigation.

Even so, his party will continue to carry out the clean up process or cleaning efforts, to remove traces of radioactive exposure. "We do a clean up, by removing the soil or vegetation that is exposed to radiation. Until it is declared safe for the community."

Since the discovery of radioactive exposure, Bapetan has directly carried out sweeping using sensors to detect radioactive remains in the vicinity. Wearing hazmat suits (protective suits) the officers also carry out tests on the water and plants on site.

Quoting from CNNIndonesia, according to Batan researcher Mukhlis Ahadi, the radioactive substances found in the Batan Indah Housing complex, Serpong, South Tangerang are not harmful to the health of the human body. Even so, the value of exposure to radioactive substances is 1-2 percent higher than what humans are accustomed to receiving from nature.

However, Mukhlis, who also lives in the housing complex, questioned why radioactive waste was dumped in the empty field. This is because waste or radioactive substances should not be in any place, including in a residential area.

Police conduct an investigation of hazardous substances in an empty field in the Batan Indah housing estate (Debi Astari / VOi)

The police intervened

The National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) also intervened in investigating the findings of radioactive waste at Batan Indah Housing, Serpong, Tangsel. The police will investigate whether there is an intentional element or not from the findings of hazardous substances in the residential area.

Quoting from the detik.com page, Karo Penmas, the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Argo Yuwono, said that the investigative steps carried out by the police were starting from field checks, examining witnesses, experts and coordination and other technical activities.

"The series of technical activities starts from checking the crime scene (the scene of the case), examining witnesses, experts, coordinating with Bapeten (Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency), and so on," said Argo.

Now security procedures such as police lines have also been installed around the site. In addition, he continued, the City Government (Pemkot) of Tangsel had just finished implementing a regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) to discuss radioactive waste.