Long Holiday, 335 Thousand Vehicles Leave Jabodetabek
Based on data from PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, 335,394 vehicles left the Jabotabek area during the long holiday period for the Birthday of Pancasila and Vesak 2023, to be precise, Wednesday and Thursday, May 31 to June 31.
This figure is the cumulative number of traffic flows (traffic) from the four Main Toll Gates (GT), namely Cikupa GT (to Merak), Ciawi GT (to Puncak), Cikampek Utama GT (to Trans Java) and Kalihurip Utama GT (to Bandung).
"The total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area has increased by 25% when compared to normal traffic," said Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, Lisye Octaviana in her statement, Friday, June 2.
He said, for the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek heading in three directions, namely with a majority of 164,913 vehicles (49.17%) heading East (Trans Java and Bandung), 90,265 vehicles (26.91%) heading West (Merak) and 80,216 vehicles (23.92%) heading South (Puncak).
The details of the traffic distribution are as follows:
In the east (Trans Java and Bandung) direction, traffic leaving Jabotabek heading towards Trans Java via GT Cikampek Utama Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, with a total of 76,048 vehicles, an increase of 37.2% from normal traffic.
Traffic leaving Jabotabek heading towards Bandung via GT Kalihurip Utama Cipularang Toll Road, with a total of 88,865 vehicles, an increase of 58.2% from normal traffic.
"The total traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Trans Java and Bandung through the two GTs was 164,913 vehicles, an increase of 47.8% from normal traffic," he said.
As for the west (Merak), traffic leaving Jabotabek heading towards Merak via the Cikupa GT Tangerang-Merak Toll Road is 90,265 vehicles, 3.9% lower than normal traffic.
Meanwhile, the number of vehicles leaving Jabotabek heading towards Puncak via GT Ciawi Jagorawi Toll Road was 80,216 vehicles, an increase of 27.6% from normal traffic.
"Jasa Marga urges road users to anticipate trips before entering the toll road. Ensure that vehicles and drivers are in prime condition, ensure the adequacy of fuel and electronic money balances and comply with signs and directions from officers," he concluded.