Manado Floods Today, Here's The Appearance Of High Water In Malendeng

JAKARTA - Manado is flooded today. Heavy rains that continue to flush plus not optimal drainage have caused water to overflow into roads and settlements.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the identified Atmospheric Lability (Upper Air Observation) at 00 UTC has strong lability indices and has great energy to support the growth of Cumulonimbus (CB) clouds in the North Sulawesi region, especially Manado City and around it.

In addition, the humidity of the air from the lower layer to the upper layer is very wet, thus supporting the growth of CB clouds in the North Sulawesi region. Floods occurred in Paal Dua, Manado City and Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency.

The conditions of the Manado flood today have been widely shared on social media. One of them is the flood conditions in Malaendeng, Paal Dua, Manado. The flood water level is quite high.

BMKG previously reminded the public to be aware of the potential for extreme weather at the peak of the rainy season which is expected to occur in January to February 2021.

"People are urged to remain alert to potential extreme weather and are asked to always 'update' weather information from BMKG information channels," said BMKG Deputy for Meteorology Guswanto, Wednesday, January 20.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) asked the public to increase awareness of hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and landslides. Moreover, Indonesia is currently entering the rainy season.

"During the rainy season, the potential for hydrometeorological disasters is not over, especially the soil conditions are now saturated due to being filled with rain before," said researcher Iwan Ridwansyah, LIPI Limnology Research Center, Tuesday, January 19.

Iwan said that Indonesia will experience a peak rainy season in January-February, so it needs to be more vigilant about hydrometeorological disasters.