According To Research, Happy Employees Are Judged To Be More Productive And Loyal

JAKARTA - Being a productive employee is always an advantage. For yourself, for example, work can be done well, has the potential to be an exemplary employee, so that you have the opportunity to have a good career path. For companies, productive employees are certainly more profitable because they are able to work effectively and efficiently.

Of the many ways to be productive employees, one of them is to be happy. According to research at the University of Warwick, employee happiness can increase productivity by as much as 12 percent. Meanwhile, unhappy employees proved to be 10 percent less productive.

Besides being more productive, happy employees can complete all work more accurately and this has a positive impact on their performance.

They can also work beyond expectations, be more creative, be able to think outside the box, have the courage to take risks, can motivate other employees, are reliable, and are more loyal to the company.

Meanwhile, unhappy employees tend to have low attendance rates, feel often tired, and stressed out. They also seem less trying to be better. In a way, look safe. With low morale, unhappy employees start looking for other jobs and are reluctant to stay.

How do you become a happy employee? From yourself, try to make the workplace as comfortable as possible, always motivate yourself to continue to learn and be the best, and build good relationships with colleagues at work.

You also need to make a work plan so that everything can be done optimally, focus on work, and have good self-control against distractions, and can receive good advice from fellow colleagues or superiors.

From the company side, employees will feel happy if they are given a fair salary, there is feedback so that employees develop, provide rewards in the form of promotions, and facilitate employee needs properly while in the office.

But then again, that happiness often comes from oneself. When they want to try to be more productive, employees can learn to love their work and find something they can enjoy.

If you try but the results still don't make you happy, it could be time for you to look for another job.