Involved In Community Service Program, International University Students Are Enthusiastic

JAKARTA - Defense Diplomacy Students carry out Community Service activities at the Hidayatul Wildan Foundation, Cileungsi, Bogor Regency. Community service activities are a routine agenda for the postgraduate program of the Defense University (IDU) of the Republic of Indonesia as a manifestation of Tri Dharma's tertiary education.

"The main agenda for community service this time is the spread of value for defending the country, tolerance, and assistance as well as counseling to children about the importance of mastering foreign languages, in this case, is English which is the capital of global communication today," said the Head of Defense Diplomacy Study Program at the Defense University, Dr. Sunarko, SE., M. Sc., P. Sc, Sunday 28 May.

He explained that Community Service this time was slightly different because it involved international students. There are five International students, they are Colonel AD Ammala Phongphaekham and Colonel Bouapheng Bounthavong from Laos, Lt. Col. AL KBG Sumudu Madutranga from Srilanka, Colonelputiatsiheva Mrs. Toky Fanantenana from Madagascar, Colonel (Medical Doctor) Ravoavy Setrany Mahatsangy from Madagascar

And Lt. Col. Saqib Athar Dil, a Wing Commander AU from Pakistan. "These international students are deliberately involved in being able to get to know the culture, social, and people of Indonesia much closer. As an effort to convey messages to the world, especially other countries, that Indonesia is a country that is an adult - accustomed to living in diversity but always gets one togetherness in the commitment to unity. In addition, they are also given room to communicate directly with the community and actively engage in teaching or counseling activities," said Dr. Sunarko.

The enthusiasm of the Defense University International Students for the noble values of the Indonesian nation, turned out to give a good impression and help spread awareness to children that they can be in a place thousands of kilometers away from their birthplace and can communicate with the children of the Hidayatul Wildan Cileungsi Foundation because of English mastery.

The children there were also very excited because they also witnessed the Defense University international students who also worked hard to speak Indonesian, as if implying that language mastery was not immediately achieved but had to have a high desire to learn to master it.

Overall, for me this is a fun experience. It's nice to meet and exchange experiences with colleagues and faculties from other departments, which gave me the opportunity to contribute to helping the community and I also get a better understanding of the lifestyle of local people," said Colonnel Ammala of Laos.

He said, although communication is quite difficult due to limited Indonesian language, he enjoys it when sharing knowledge with children. Next time if there is an opportunity to participate in such activities, Colonel Ammala wants to be re-engaged in a similar program from the Defense University.