Benefits Of Eye Burst Vitamins To Prevent Glaukuma Causes

JAKARTA - To just look at one red apple, our eyes need the role of each part of the eye to function properly, especially eye optics nerves. Optic Nervice or optical nerve is a nerve in the retina that functions to send signals to the brain so that we can see these objects.

The presence of disorders in optical nerves such as glaukuma is at risk of disrupting vision. But, what is the cause of glaukuma?

Glaukuma disease is a serious condition that requires medical help because this condition can refer to loss of sight. This condition is caused by disturbances in one part of the eye so that optical nerve damage is unavoidable.

Like cataracts, glaukuma must be prevented before it's too late. The provision of eye vitamins is highly recommended to prevent the cause of glaukuma so that the eye is always healthy.

Causes Of Glaukuma Eye Disease

Good optical nerve is an optical nerve that manages to deliver signals to the brain properly so that the brain can convert the signal into an image of the objects we see.

The existence of disorders in the optical nerve will clearly hinder the process, one of which is glaukuma.

What is glaukuma disease? Glaukuma disease is a condition when the optical nerve in the retina is damaged due to increased fluids in the eyes (intraocular).

Supposedly, eye fluids come out every time the eyes blink so that the eye's surface is well hydrated to prevent dry eyes. However, when the drains that secrete eye fluids are clogged, the fluid will cause pressure in the eyes to increase and suppress optical nerves.

This then causes optical nerves to be damaged and triggers glaukuma. The second cause is oxidative stress that triggers free radical effects that are at risk of causing cell damage to the optical nerve.

It should not be underestimated, glaukuma is the second cause of blindness after cataract. In fact, this condition is rarely detected at the beginning so that treatment is too late so that it triggers blindness.

In addition, people with glaukuma may not realize this condition because glaukuma does not cause any pain at all. To detect it, a thorough eye examination must be carried out.

Indiscriminately, glaukuma disease can attack anyone at all ages, from babies, children to the elderly. Therefore, we need to take various actions to prevent the cause of glaukuma in the eyes.

We have to understand things like this well because glaukuma cannot be cured even with surgery. Medical actions taken by medical experts or eye specialists only aim to reduce pressure in the eyes so that the development of glaukuma can be prevented.

During medical treatment, ophthalmologists may provide drugs in the form of pills or eye drops used to prevent the cause of glaukuma from developing further.

Likewise with operating procedures. This procedure is only carried out to overcome eye fluid blockages that cause glaukuma. It is hoped that the pressure in the eyes will decrease.

Procedures named peripheral iridotomy lasers may be considered by doctors. This laser procedure is performed to create a kind of small hole in the eye slices to drain trapped eye fluids.

An Antioxidant Source To Prevent Glaukuma Disease

It's no secret that antioxidants play an important role in maintaining eye health. Antioxidants function to ward off all types of free radicals that trigger eye disease.

In the case of glaukuma, antioxidants play a role in preventing free radical effects due to oxidative stress that causes damage to the optical nerve. Thus, it can be concluded that consuming high-antioxidants is one way to prevent glaukuma in the eyes.

We need to know that there are so many types of antioxidants that support eye health, such as vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and lutein. These antioxidants are mostly contained in food sources that come from plants (nabati) such as fruits and vegetables.

However, did you know what foods are a good source of antioxidants for eye health? The following is a source of antioxidants that you can consume daily, including: 1. Bilberry fruit. Physically, the Bilberry fruit is at first glance similar to blueberries. In line with research studies in the Journal of Medical Food, this berries are rich in an antioxidant content called antosianin.

2. Carrots. It's no secret that carrots have always been well known for eye health. In carrots, one type of antioxidant is beta-carotene which is also known as vitamin A.

3. Blueberry fruit. In addition to the refreshing sweet taste, blueberries contain excellent flavonoids and anthocins to prevent free radicals due to oxidative stress that causes glaukuma.

4. Marigold flower. Yellow orange, marigold flower petals are a source of antioxide in the form of very high lutein. Lutein content itself is known to increase vision due to glaukuma.

5. Honey. Honey is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent that is widely used to cure various eye disease, including glaukuma.

All of the above sources of antioxidants are highly recommended for consumption to maintain eye health, in particular preventing the cause of glaukuma from developing more severe. However, it will be very difficult for us to meet the intake of antioxidants by consuming bilberry, blues, marigold flowers, carrots, and honey every day.

In addition to price considerations, the source of the antioxidants is often difficult to find, especially in small cities where there are only certain types of food. However, you don't need to worry because all these ingredients are contained in one bottle of Eyebost's eye vitamins.

Natural ingredients such as blues, blues, carrots, and marigold flowers combined with native honey, make Eyebutt into eye vitamins with high antioxidant content for flavonoids, polyphenols, luteins, vitamins C and E.

Made from 100% natural ingredients, Eyebost is consumed by all ages, ranging from toddlers over the age of 2, adolescents, adults, to the elderly. Consuming in the long term will not cause side effects or negative impacts on the body, provided it is consumed according to the dose listed on the packaging box.

It can be concluded that consuming Eyebost is one way to prevent glaukuma in the eyes and prevent glaukuma from developing further so that the risk of blindness can be suppressed. (ADV)