Two Hajj Candidates From East Java Died In Medina, Saudi Arabia

JAKARTA - Two pilgrims from East Java Province died in Medina, Saudi Arabia, said the Surabaya Embarkation Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) official.

Head of PPIH Embarkation Surabaya Husnul Maram in Surabaya, Sunday informed that each was on behalf of Ahmad Suhadak Riduwan, 53 years old, from Kebomas District, Gresik Regency, who was a member of the flight group (kloter) 9.

"Another person who died on behalf of Langen Delem Dussalam, 90 years old, from Socah District, Bangkalan Regency, who is a member of Group 1 of Surabaya Embarkation," he said, quoted by Antara.

Husnul, who also serves as Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kakanwil Kemenag) East Java, explained that both of them died due to illness.

"The congregation who died was buried in Medina. God willing, Husnul Khotimah will die during the moment of carrying out the pilgrimage in a place full of blessings, namely Medina," he said.

In addition to the two prospective pilgrims from East Java who died in Medina, previously also recorded three people who died in their area of origin ahead of their departure to the Surabaya Embarkation Hajj Dormitory, namely from batch 2 from Surabaya City, and batch 7 and 8 from Sumenep Regency.

Meanwhile, PPIH Surabaya's Embarkation until tonight has dispatched 11 batches to the Holy Land with a total of 4,906 people consisting of 4,851 worshipers and 55 officers.

In addition, batches 12, 13 and 14 from Blitar and Magetan Regencies entered the Surabaya Embarkation Hajj Dormitory today.

He detailed that of the 11 groups from the Surabaya Embarkation that had been dispatched to the Holy Land, there were 14 worshipers who failed to leave or their departure was delayed due to illness.