The Ministry Of Communication And Information And PGRI Of South Sumatra Holds Training Of Trainers For Digital Literacy For Educators

PALEMBANG - Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI) of South Sumatra Province held a Training of Trainers (ToT) for the Establishment of a Digital Guide for the Education Sector of South Sumatra Province on Friday 19 May.

This activity is part of the Ministry of Communication and Information's efforts to improve digital literacy in the community, especially in the education sector. The Ministry of Communication and Information collaborates with a number of educational institutions and universities in Indonesia to organize digital literacy based on four main pillars, namely digital skills, digital ethics, digital culture, and digital security.

The Education Sector Digital Literacy Team of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, Bambang Tri Santoso, explained that the digital literacy program run by Pandu Digital is targeting five sectors, including the education sector. This year, the Ministry of Communication and Information hopes to involve at least 250,000 education personnel, both from universities and Vocational High Schools throughout Indonesia, in increasing digital capacity.

"The Ministry of Communication and Information has also prepared a module as a reference in increasing digital capacity for the five target sectors, the Ministry of Communication and Information has a target number of digitally literate people, for this year in the education sector at least we hope that 250,000 education personnel are digitally literate through universities and Vocational High Schools throughout Indonesia," Bambang said in a press release on Saturday, May 27.

Training of Trainers held in South Sumatra Province was attended by more than 140 offline and online participants, consisting of teachers and educators. This activity aims to improve the skills of educators in operating digital technology, so that they are not left behind by students.

In this activity, the participants received training from Information and Communication Technology (ICT) practitioners, such as Michael S. Sunggiardi, IT Practitioner and Educational4id Founder, and Fajar Eri Dianto, Chairman of Indonesian ICT Volunteers (RTIK) and the Main Digital Pandu.

Michael S. Sunggiardi conveyed four steps towards superior Human Resources (HR) for Indonesia, which includes changing ways of understanding technology, changing ways of implementing it, thinking on lateral thinking, and increasing entrepreneurship. Fajar Eri Dianto also emphasized the importance of four pillars of digital literacy that must be controlled by students in South Sumatra Province so that they become capable digital talents in the future.

Through this activity, it is hoped that community participation in digital literacy will increase, and educators will have the opportunity to increase their capacity in the face of digital technology developments. With the application of digital literacy pillars, it is hoped that students can avoid negative impacts and use technology wisely in their daily lives.