4 Pilkada Lawsuit In Southeast Sulawesi Goes To The Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - The Southeast Sulawesi General Election Commission (KPU) submitted 4 lawsuit for regional head elections (Pilkada) on December 9, 2020, and then in the province it will proceed to the trial of the Constitutional Court (MK).

The lawsuit came from candidates for regent and deputy regent namely Rajiun Tumada-La Pili for the Muna Pilkada, Arhawi-Hardin La Omo for the Wakatobi Pilkada, Muhammad Endang SA-Wahyu Ade Pratama for the South Konawe (Konsel) Pilkada, and Oheo Sinapoy-Muttaqin Siddiq for Pilkada Konawe Islands (Konkep).

"All claims submitted to the Constitutional Court have been registered in the Constitutional Case Registration Deed (ARPK), so the next process is in the realm of the Constitutional Court regarding the trial schedule and subsequent processes. This means that it will continue to the trial," said Chairman of the Southeast Sulawesi KPU La Ode Abdul Natsir. , January 21.

The Constitutional Case Registration Deed (ARPK) of 4 candidate pairs petitioning for Dispute Election Results (PHPU) was issued by the Constitutional Court on Monday, January 18.

According to him, after the release of the ARPK from the Constitutional Court, the Regency KPU which was accused was instructed to collect the documents and evidence needed later during the trial in order to prepare an answer.

"After registering the case from the Constitutional Court, we will open the ballot box to retrieve documents relevant to the lawsuit data as part of accountability in the Constitutional Court or making answers to the petitioner's petition," explained Natsir.

Later, continued Natsir, in terms of opening ballot boxes, the KPU will invite related parties such as Bawaslu and the Police.

"Apart from that, the KPU will also process lawyers who will assist in preparing the answers later," said Natsir.

He conveyed that his party, in this case the Provincial KPU, has held an internal coordination meeting with Regency KPUs that are experiencing election disputes. This includes the procedural law of PHPU in the Constitutional Court, advocacy strategies, trial methods, and evidence both online and offline.

"As well as coordinating the preparation of answers and submission of evidence to the Constitutional Court so that it runs one door and can be controlled by the Indonesian KPU," he said.

Previously, the PHPU four candidate pairs were registered in the Electronic Constitutional Case Registration Book (e-BRPK) on Monday (18/1) at 10.00 WIB, among them the Rajiun-La Pili candidate pair registered with case Number 53 / PHP.BUP-XIX / 2021.

Then candidate pair Arhawi-Hardin La Omo with Number 54 / PHP.BUP-XIX / 2021, candidate pair Muhammad Endang SA-Wahyu Ade Pratama with Number 34 / PHP.BUP-XIX / 2021, and candidate pair Oheo Sinapoy-Muttaqin Siddiq with Number 07 / PHP.BUP-XIX / 2021.

Of the four lawsuits, only PHPU in Konsel met the threshold for the difference in votes according to the rules of Law Number 10 of 2016, which is a difference of 1.5 percent.

The incumbent candidate pair at Konsel, Surunuddin Dangga-Rasyid, was known to be superior with 75,985 votes. Meanwhile, Endang-wahyu received 73,459 votes.

Unlike in Wakatobi, the incumbent Arhawi-Hardin La Omo collapsed with 29,901 votes. Meanwhile, the challenger, Haliana-Ilmiati Daud, won with 31,937 or a difference of 3.2 percent.

Then the Muna Pilkada, the incumbent Rusman Emba-Bachrun La Buta excelled with 64,122 votes. And the Rajiun Tumada-La Pili pair lost badly with the acquisition of 55,980 votes or a difference of 8,142 votes.

Meanwhile, in the Konkep, the Oheo-Muttaqin pair were known to have the lowest number of votes by collecting only 214 votes.

The Konkep regional election was won by the incumbent candidate Amrullah-Andi Muh Lutfi with 12,769 votes, followed by candidate pair Abdul Halim-Untung Taslim with 7,183 votes. Then the Musdar-Ilham Jaya pair won 4,669 votes.