Defendant Murderer Ni Putu Widiastiti, Bank Employee In Bali, Sentenced To 7.5 Years In Prison

DENPASAR - A teenager in Denpasar with the initials PAHP (14) has been charged with seven years and six months in prison for violent theft. This incident killed a bank employee named Ni Putu Widiastiti.

"The defendant is charged with seven years and six months in prison, but because the perpetrator is a minor, according to the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA), the maximum sentence for juvenile offenders is half that of adults," said Head of Pidum at the Denpasar District Prosecutor's Office, Eka Widanta. when quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 21.

Eka said that in the trial which was held behind closed doors at the Denpasar District Court, the defendant was charged with a criminal penalty under Article 365 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code.

In the indictment case file, said Eka, the defendant was proven to have committed a crime of theft with violence which resulted in the death of a person with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years.

There were also aggravating things, namely the defendant's adolescent act that attracted the attention of the public, causing the victim to lose his life and property in the form of Rp200 thousand and a motorcycle.

Meanwhile, for mitigating matters, during the trial the defendant was polite so that the proceedings were smooth. In addition, the defendant admitted his actions and promised not to repeat his actions.