Sugarcane Milling Machine Project At PTPN XI Djatiroto Sugar Factory Investigated By The KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating allegations of corruption at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI or PTPN XI.

Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri said that the alleged corruption case being investigated was a project to procure and install a sixth roll mill sugar cane milling machine at PTPN XI's Djatiroto Sugar Factory for the period 2015-2016.

"The KPK is currently investigating alleged corruption related to the procurement and installation of a sixth roll mill at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI's Djatiroto Sugar Factory for the period 2015-2016," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement, Thursday, January 21.

However, unfortunately Ali has not disclosed the details of the case construction in this case. Ali also has not revealed the parties that have been named as suspects. It is said that the construction of the case and the party determined by the suspect will be submitted after the forced attempt against the suspects.

"As is the policy of the current KPK leadership, that for the publication of case construction and parties who have been named as suspects, it will be carried out when forced efforts have been made to either arrest or detain the suspects," said Ali.

Ali promised that the KPK will continue to deliver information related to the handling of this case.

"We also invite the public to participate in monitoring every process," he said.

It is known that PTPN XI is a state-owned company that has a sugar core business. There are 15 sugar factories under the auspices of the state-owned company, including the Djatiroto Sugar Factory.