So That You Don't Have To Worry, Follow The Right Breathing Technique During Sports

YOGYAKARTA Without realizing it, the breath is irregular when exercising. This needs to be watched out for because if you don't breathe properly, it can affect your performance. Bad breathing is also often done so that your stomach doesn't look distended. However, this makes the support work extra so it's not good.

The body needs regular oxygen when the muscles work. If you cut off the flow of oxygen, by holding your breath, you are at risk of experiencing hernia, muscle cramps, and dizziness, causing you to fall. So experts recommend the right breathing technique according to the type of exercise you are doing.

The input from licensed acupuncture expert, Susan Shane, breathe with the stomach. Engineering is done by breathing deeply and using the entire stomach area to get oxygen, not just the top of your chest. With your stomach breathing, you will have more energy for the aerobic system that the body uses during cardiovascular exercise.

Some runners prefer rhythmic patterns. Beverly Marr, chiropractor, recommends breathing once through the nose and exhale twice through the mouth while running.

Plank trains the core and abdomen, usually stop breathing when you start doing it and pull your stomach fast. But make sure to keep breathing to help stabilize your body. Breathing, allows front muscles such as ondomynistic rectus and obliques to do their job easily and maintain a longer balanced position.

yoga experts give input, when you exhale, take a deep breath when the ribs contract back to the mid-core line. Maintain four counts while inhaling and four counts when exhaling. It is also important to focus on the basic relaxation of the pelvic.

High intensity interval exercise (HIIT) can make you complain quickly. Say jumping a jack for 30 seconds, you may take a long breath through your mouth to get more oxygen and faster. But actually this lowers levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and inhibits the body's ability to release oxygen into the cells. So how do you breathe correctly during this type of exercise?

A learning relaxation technique, Kate Hanley, reported by AARP, Tuesday, May 23. The body is designed to breathe perfectly. Even your nose hair helps purify the air, relieve irritation, and sinuses help regulate the air temperature you breathe. If you arrive at a point where you run out of breath, slow down your rhythm and you can resume your exercise movement.

It is very important to breathe properly during strength training. The right breathing, not only supports the mobilization of energy. But it also allows you to lift more with better control. Simple technique when you lift the load, exhale when you lift the load. Then take a breath while lowering. For push-up exercise, inhale when down to the floor and exhale when you press your body. Harmonize this rhythm and make sure it doesn't lift too heavy a load for you.

For correct breathing, you need to practice consistently during the cooldown and stretching. Hanley's advice, spend 2-5 minutes to focus on extending the breath so that it allows the parasimpathic nervous system to be active. This system regulates the response to relaxation, digestion, and recovery.

Breathing exercises during stretching also help condition the body smoothly carry out activities, rest, and maintain proper breathing during training.