List Of Countries With Population Crisis, Sex Passion Decreases Drastically

YOGYAKARTA - In 2045 it is predicted that there will be a decline in the population in Indonesia. The threat of population decline has also hit other countries in Asia and Europe, especially in developed countries. So which countries are population crisis?

The decline in population population in developed countries is caused by the sexual recession or a decrease in the desire to have sexual relations. Because the sex drive of the people has decreased, the birth rate has also decreased. This condition can cause a country to experience a population crisis.

A number of countries in Europe and Asia have proven to have experienced a decline in population over the past decade. All countries whose population has decreased have the same cases, namely the low fertility rate. The occurrence of a sex recession has reduced people's sexual activity so that the birth rate has decreased drastically.

The following are a number of countries with population crisis:

The news that the Japanese state is experiencing a population crisis has indeed been widely heard. The decline in population in Japan is due to the sex recession. The birth rate in this country of Singapore has dropped dramatically, even faster than expected. The birth rate in Japan slumped below 800,000 in 2022.

The Japanese government said that the country's depopulation occurred in eight years earlier than expected. The decline in population in Japan can be seen from the number of schools that close. Based on government data, there are about 450 schools that close every year.

China is known as the country with the highest population in the world. However, this communist-based country is also predicted to experience a population crisis. China's population recorded a decline from 1.413 billion in 2021 to 1.412 billion in 2022. Just like Japan, the cause of the decline in the population in China due to the sex recession.

The Chinese government also runs a number of programs to address the problem of sex recession. The government of the bamboo curtain country has removed the one child policy implemented in 2016. In 2021, the government also abolished birth limits. A number of campuses in China also have holiday programs for students. The program aims to give students the opportunity to 'find love' off campus during holidays.

One of the European countries experiencing a population crisis is Italy. The cause of the decline in the population in Italy is due to the sex recession in the country. Based on the ISTAT report, the birth rate in the pizza country fell below 400,000 in 2022.

South Korea is also an Asian country experiencing a population crisis. Similar to previous cases, the decline in birth rates in South Korea was the cause of reduced population. Many schools in the country are starting to have difficulty getting new students.

That's a review of countries with population crises. The decline in the population in a number of countries above was caused by a low sex recession or birth rate. Meanwhile, the reason why Indonesia is predicted to experience a population crisis is not due to a sex recession. The BKKBN said the cause of the decline in the population in Indonesia was due to the results of the Family Planning (KB) program.

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