Member Of The Riau Bengkalis Police Suspect Recipient Of Bribery In Drug Case Management Detained In Special Prison
RIAU - Bengkalis Police Member Bripka BA has been named a suspect in the alleged bribery case in the handling of drug abuse cases that are currently being rolled out in court.
"There are already suspects. In principle, anyone who violates the professional code of ethics will be dealt with firmly," said Head of Riau Police Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal when confirmed, Monday, May 22, confiscated by Antara.
In line with this, the Head of Propam Riau Police, Kombes Pol Johannes Setiawan, emphasized that his party would process Bripka BA according to applicable regulations.
"The process is in accordance with existing procedures. Later it will be followed up with what crime it has committed. His status is already a suspect, both in the code of ethics and crime," he said.
Currently, Bripka BA is being held in a special prison or the Riau Police Special Committee. Regarding the money allegedly received by Bripka BA to take care of the drug case handled by his wife Prosecutor SH, Setiawan said that his party was still investigating.
"If the issue of receiving money cannot be concluded, it is still being investigated. Later there will be a trial, after that it can only be determined whether he is guilty or not," he said
Previously, this case began when the SH prosecutor was secured by the Riau Prosecutor's Office team for questioning following public reports related to allegations of rupiah in cash for drug cases that were rolled out at the Bengkalis District Court.
Bripka BA, who was dragged into this case, is suspected of having violated the code of ethics by the Riau Police Propam Team and Bengkalis Police in accordance with Perpol No. 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.