PLN Boss Reveals 90 Percent Of Electricity Infrastructure For KCJB Is Ready

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawa Prasodjo revealed that 90 percent of the supply and electricity network of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) will be ready to support the operation of KCJB in August 2023.

He explained that the electricity network project for this high-speed train was carried out by two PLN Main Development Units (UIP), namely the West Java UIP PLN (JBB), where the five main infrastructures have been successfully operated and the Central Java UIP PLN (UIP JBT), from only five infrastructures, one will be completed soon.

"So we convey that 90 percent of the KCJB infrastructure is ready to support the operation of the Jakarata Bandung high-speed train in August 2023," Darmawan explained to the media, Monday, May 22.

Darmawan continued, PLN's success in completing infrastructure development in the three main supporting areas of this fast train is proof of PLN's seriousness in supporting every National Strategy Project (PSN).

"PLN continues to support the completion of national strategic projects. PLN is committed to presenting reliable electricity, one of which is the electricity infrastructure for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train (KCJB) which we are speeding up," said Darmawan.

Darmawan added that PLN's seriousness is not only in the completion of this project, but also in the use of domestic products.

In this project, PLN is able to use products with a domestic component level (TKDN) which averages 78.89 percent.

The five infrastructures that have been successful in the West Java region and are ready to operate include; High Voltage Cable Channel (SKTT) 150 kilo volt (KV) Halim - Poncol Baru II, SKTT 150 kV Halim - Bekasi II /Summarecon TRAction, 1 Bay Line Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) 150 kV Bekasi II / Summarecon direction of the Indonesia China Fast Train (KCIC) Main Substation (GI), 1 Bay Line GIS 150 kV Poncol Baru II direction GI Halim KCIC TRAction, and Substation (GI) 150 kV Halim Track.

General Manager of PLN UIP JBB, Octavianus Padudung revealed that the success of this energy also plays an important role in providing reliable electricity supply in Bekasi City.

"GIS 150 KV Poncol Baru II which was built by utilizing the existing building land of PLN Bekasi Transmission and Substation Service Unit (ULTG) also functions to increase the capacity of distribution and reliability of electricity supply, especially in the city of Bekasi, as well as as electricity suppliers for Halim Traction Substation," explained Octavianus.

Then for four of the five infrastructures in the Central Java region and are ready to operate, namely; High Voltage Airline (SUTT) 150 kilos Volt (kV) Tegalluar Incomer, SUTT 150 kV along with the High Voltage Cable Channel (SKTT) Padalarang Baru Padalarang Baru II Circuit 2, SUTT 150 kV Padalarang Baru II Cirata, SUTT 150 kV THK Karawang Circuit 1.

General Manager of PLN UIP JBT Djarot Hutabri EBS said the last three electricity infrastructures managed to get a Voltage-worthy Recommendation (RLB) and then the first voltage was given, namely in the period 12-14 May 2023.

"Now both transmission and substations are ready to operate and will then be used to supply electricity needs in each transaction belonging to KCJB," said Djarot.

PLN believes that the electricity supply of this high-speed train will operate reliably because each transaction will be supplied from two supply of transmission networks.

For this reason, Djarot expressed his appreciation for all stakeholders in each process of developing the electricity infrastructure.

In addition, in working on all of these projects, PLN continues to apply the principle of zero accident in every stage of construction.

According to him, this is also very important in supporting the success of a development project.