Police Dismantle Illegal Abortion Clinic Network In Central Jakarta

JAKARTA - The police revealed the practice of illegal abortion at an anonymous clinic in the Senen area, Central Jakarta. In fact, the clinic is said to have a network of dozens of midwives scattered around Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the illegal abortion clinic network was revealed after examining three suspects, MM, RM, and SI. From their statement, dozens of midwives who were part of this network played a role in promoting to victims to abort their wombs in a clinic known as 'Paseban Clinic'.

During the examination, it was also revealed that several doctors were involved in illegal abortion practices at the clinic. They often bring or recommend the clinic to their patients.

"This network (illegal abortion clinic) they have a network of up to 50 midwives outside, and there are some developments with examinations. There are some doctors who do abortions, do it here. There are some dotkers who do abortions brought to this clinic while this is an illegal clinic , "said Yusri in Jakarta, Friday, February 14.

This network also has hundreds of brokers who are ready to deliver and disseminate information to the wider community about the clinic's existence. They said that this clinic could abort the womb at a cheap price but it was right to use the advanced technology befitting a well-known hospital.

"This network has nearly 100 brokers. One of the collaborators of this network is the brokers. Until now we are still developing it," said Yusri.

Old player

In the practice of illegal abortion, the suspects have different roles. The suspect MM is a doctor, RM is a midwife, and S is an administrative staff.

Of the three suspects, MM alias dr. A and RM are attracting attention. Because, both of them are old players in the illegal business. Apart from that, they are also the ones who had the illegal abortion.

The names of the two suspects have also been included in the police black record. For the suspect MM alias dr. A was a fugitive for a similar case in 2016. In addition, he also has a bad record in the medical world. While working as a general practitioner in Riau, he never entered until he was fired.

Meanwhile, the suspect RM was not much different. He is said to be a recidivist at Pondok Kopi Prison for an abortion case in 2017.

"The suspect MM alias dr. A became a DPO for the disclosure of the Abortion case with the Cimandiri Clinic TKP, Central Jakarta. The suspect RM spent three years at the Pondok Kopi Prison, East Jakarta," said Yusri.

This network has also been in action again for 21 months or to be precise since 2018. During its operation, around 1,632 women have registered to undergo this illegal practice. However, of the thousands of people, around 903 have had abortions.

For almost two years the abortion clinic has been operating, it has been recorded that the profits from this illegal practice have already made billions of rupiah in profits. Thus, development continues to be carried out to find the doctors and assistants involved in the network.

"I conveyed that 1,613 people have been treated here with 903 people having abortions, for 21 months from 2018 to the present. In total he received the results of our examination of more than Rp. 5.4 billion," said Yusri.

Abortion Rules

The disclosure of this illegal abortion practice is of course a concern for many parties. Head of the Health Services Division of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Doctor Weningtyas, spoke about the rules that prohibit anyone from aborting their child.

According to him, the prohibition on abortion has been stated in Article 75 paragraph 1 of law number 36 of 2009 concerning health. These rules prohibit everyone from having an abortion. It's just that, there are exceptions for abortion. However, it must go through a strict supervisory process.

"There are conditions, medical emergency conditions and victims of rape. It must follow a series of processes, cannot be directly assessed and executed immediately," said Weningtyas.

"Medical emergencies also have conditions, for example, endanger the health and life of the mother and there are congenital defects that are difficult to repair, making it difficult for the fetus to live, a team has determined that," he continued.

Then, in the abortion process, it is said, must meet other requirements. Some of them are about medical personnel to facilities that must comply with applicable standards. In fact, an abortion should only be performed if the pregnancy is only the first few weeks of pregnancy.

"Abortion is allowed with strict conditions and must be under 6 weeks, if the victim of rape must be under 4 weeks," said Weningtyas.

For his actions, the three suspects had to languish behind bars. They are charged under Article 83 in conjunction with Article 64 of Law Number 36 Year 2014 concerning Health Workers and or Article 75 paragraph (1), Article 76, Article 77, Article 78 of Law Number 29 Year 2004 concerning Medical Practice and / or Article 194 Jo Article 75 paragraph (2) Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health in conjunction with Articles 55, 56 of the Criminal Code. The threat of punishment is up to 10 years in prison.