Election Year, National Police Chief Calls For Messages Of Unity And Solidity

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo called for a message of unity and integrity to maintain the integrity of the Indonesian nation in front of the Indonesian Taruna Wreda (Latsitarda) Integration Training for the XLIII Force in 2023 in West Sumatra.

"We will also face the stages of the election year and it requires unity, unity, solidity, and synergy. Even though we have different opinions, we will enter the stages to determine the national leadership candidates. However, what is called unity and integrity, it must still be maintained," said Sigit as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 19. Sigit explained that Latsitarda Nusantara was a plenary training activity attended by TNI soldiers, National Police personnel, students of the Domestic Government Institute (IPDN), Cyber Polytechnic, students, and communities in West Sumatra.

In the training that raised the theme "Latsitarda Nusantara XLIII/2023 Towards West Sumatra Unggul", he hoped that all participants could interact and synergize in carrying out various activities.

"These activities are entirely for the community, especially in the West Sumatra region, in the form of physical and non-physical activities," he added.

He also hopes that all participants can establish solidarity and inter-institutional synergism, both the TNI, Polri, IPDN, Cyber Polytechnic, and the community. One example that can be achieved through solidity and synergism of all parties is Indonesia's success in dealing with COVID-19.

"With synergy and solidity, Indonesia has managed to get through the pandemic well," he said.

Therefore, the National Police Chief assessed that the Latsitarda Nusantara activity was an important agenda to increase the unity and integrity of the Indonesian state.

"Because they (Latsitarda participants) are candidates for national and national leaders in the future," said Listyo Sigit.

Also present at the opening of the Latsitarda Nusantara XLIII Force was the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono.