3 Foods For Rainbow Haid For Women Pubertas

YOGYAKARTA Haid or irregular menstruation is a condition that women often complain about. Fortunately, this can be overcome by menstrual foods that are rich in nutrients, such as vitamins C, D, iron, calcium, and folic acid.

Quoted from Ai-Care, Sunday, April 21, 2023, the menstrual cycle of each woman varies. Generally, the normal menstrual cycle is around 21 to 35 days. While the average period of normal menstruation is around 3-7 days.

To find out whether your menstrual period is normal or not, you can record a calendar every month.

Well, for forgetful women whose menstrual cycle is not normal, you can eat the following menstrual snacks.

Recommendations For Rainbow Food Haid

The choice of the first menstrual snack food is pineapple. These fruits are known to affect the menstrual cycle.

In pineapple fruit, it contains bromelain enzymes that can smooth blood flow and encourage the decay of the external wall so that menstruation occurs.

Although the benefits of pineapple as a menstrual diet that needs to be researched, this fruit is still good for consumption because it contains babyks for health.

Vegetables rich in folates are also well consumed by women whose menstrual cycles are irregular. Folic acid can support the process of regularly ovulation and increase levels of reproductive hormones. This will later support fertility, so that menstrual cycles run smoothly.

Some vegetables that contain large amounts of folic acid include spinach, mustard, kale, and broccoli.

In addition to the two foods above, papaya also includes menstrual snacks. The papaya fruit contains a high amount of carotene. This compound can increase the hormone levels of the estrogen in the body and help the uterus contract, so that it can encourage menstruation.

It's not enough that papaya is also a high fiber fruit and is very good for the digestive tract and can relieve constipation. Some women may often experience constipation ahead of their menstrual schedule.

That's information about menstrual snacks for women. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.